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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 蜂鸣器在单片机上的应用,汇编语言,附原理图及说明学习文档 蜂鸣器的正极性的一端联接到5V电源上面,另一端联接到三极管的集电极,三极管的基级由单片机的P2.4管脚...

蜂鸣器在单片机上的应用,汇编语言,附原理图及说明学习文档 蜂鸣器的正极性的一端联接到5V电源上面,另一端联接到三极管的集电极,三极管的基级由单片机的P2.4管脚...

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蜂鸣器在单片机上的应用,汇编语言,附原理图及说明学习文档 蜂鸣器的正极性的一端联接到5V电源上面,另一端联接到三极管的集电极,三极管的基级由单片机的P2.4管脚通过一个与非门来控制, 用户可以通过程序控制P2.4管脚的置低和置高来使蜂鸣器发出声音和关闭。 蜂鸣器的声音大小及音调可以通过调整P2.4管脚的置高时间及输出的波形进行控制,这一点可以在调试程序的时候来试验。-On the buzzer in single-chip applications, assembly language, with a schematic diagram and instructions to study documents the positive polarity of the end of the buzzer connected to the 5V power supply above, the other end connected to the transistor" s collector, the base level by the single-chip transistor Machine P2.4 pin through a NAND gate to control, the user can be programmed to set pin P2.4 low and set high to make the buzzer sound on and off. Buzzer sound size and pitch can be set by adjusting the P2.4 pin of the high time and output waveform control, and this point could be the time to test the debugger.

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