资 源 简 介
Visual Studio 2005,
Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK,
ActiveSync 4.0.-Description:
This sample illustrates how to create a custom Today screen item for
Pocket PC.
Relevant APIs:
Today screen plugins.
Load the project from Visual Studio 2005, and build normally.
This sample will build as a DLL called Memwatcher.dll. It will also
create a .cab file called memwatchercab.cab. Install the the cab on
on your device. Once you have installed memwatcher via the cab,
open the Settings-Today applet and tap on the Items tab. Tap OK to close
the dialog. (This causes Today to reload all the applets on the Today
screen- including the Memwatcher sample.)
Visual Studio 2005,
Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK,
ActiveSync 4.0.