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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > ArcGIS Engine不提供查询点击控件的命令,只…

ArcGIS Engine不提供查询点击控件的命令,只…

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ArcGIS Engine没有提供在MapControl中点击查询的命令,只是提供了ReaderControl中的使用的点击查询的命令,下面的代码就是实现点击查询并闪烁的代码。-ArcGIS Engine does not provide in the query by clicking MapControl orders, only provides a ReaderControl use clicks query command, the following code is to achieve the query and click on the flashing code.

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ArcGIS Engine没有提供在MapControl中点击查询的命令.txt

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