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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 火车车厢重排问题:给定一个任意的车厢排列次序。重新排列车厢,使其按照从1到n的次序排列。规定重排时只能从入轨到缓冲铁轨,或者从缓冲铁轨到出轨。...


资 源 简 介

火车车厢重排问题:给定一个任意的车厢排列次序。重新排列车厢,使其按照从1到n的次序排列。规定重排时只能从入轨到缓冲铁轨,或者从缓冲铁轨到出轨。-Train cars rearrangement problem: given an arbitrary compartment order of merit. Rearrange the cars, so that from 1 to n according to the order. Rearrangement can only be provided to the buffer from the orbit track, or tracks from the buffer to the derailment.

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