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霍夫曼编码的具体方法:先按出现的概率大小排队,把两个最小的概率相加,作为新的概率 和剩余的概率重新排队,再把最小的两个概率相加,再重新排队,直到最后变成1。每次相 加时都将“0”和“1”赋与相加的两个概率,读出时由该符号开始一直走到最后的“1”, 将路线上所遇到的“0”和“1”按最低位到最高位的顺序排好,就是该符号的霍夫曼编码。-Huffman code specific Methods: according to their probability of emergence of the size of the queues, the two smallest sum probability, as a new probability and the probability of the remaining re-queue, and then the smallest sum of two probabilities, and then re-queue until the last turn into one. Every time when the sum will be