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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 棋盘填满n*n的棋盘上(1LT;= NLT;= 10)请插入1,2,…

棋盘填满n*n的棋盘上(1LT;= NLT;= 10)请插入1,2,…

  • 资源大小:884.00 B
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: 算法 c++ nn 插入 棋盘

资 源 简 介

棋盘填数问题 在N*N的棋盘上(1<=N<=10)请填入1,2,...N2共N2个数,使得任意两个相邻的数之和为素数。 填写的方案如: 在这里我们约定:左上角的格子里必须放数字1。 输出:如有多种解,则输出第一行,第一列之和为最小的排列方案;若无解,则输出“NO Answer”-chessboard fill in N* N on the chessboard (1LT; = Nlt; = 10) Please insert 1,2, ... N2 N2 total number, making any two adjacent few and as a prime number. Fill in the program, such as : Here, we agreed : the upper left corner of the grid must be put in the yard a figure. Output : For a variety of solutions, the first line of output, the first out and as a program with the smallest; If not solved, then the output "NO Answer"

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