资 源 简 介
fTrack is a framework for rapid application development(RAD) in Objective-C.
It contanes:
SQLite - use out SQLite class for easier SQLite database management
Web service - classes to use for url requests and responses and a webservice class which should be used with your own APIs
Invocations - a class that wraps a common selector and target structure. It is used in our own buttons, lists, etc.
Assets manager - for easier management of photo assets
Date - contains various common methods for working with dates
Image cache - a class which is recommended when using images. Whenever you have a path or url to an image you should use this class
P2P - class which makes it easier to do peer to peer connections
ftrack also includes some commonly used classes like JSON, HttpEncoder and Facebook
Predesigned Forms
Payment - support Cash, Paypal, VISA, MasterCard, etc.