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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 自构造处理管道中的数据转换和修改---声明式变换


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With this frameworks data-processing modules can be created and annotated to reflect what their doing, what their input and resulting output is in terms of data type and meta-information (strings). The specification consists of input information, output information and processing information. Example: * Module for File{"csv"} -> String[][] * Module for String[``][]` -> HtmlTable Modules get registered with a F3Factory instance and can be looked up by their module specification. In case a module with the following specification is requested, the framework will assemble a new module that invokes the two distinct modules transparently to the caller. * Module for File{"csv"} -> HtmlTable This is a software resulting from a scientific project dealing with MDS (Model Driven Security) to implement transformations of the security information contained in the model elements to different

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