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Unity 3D游戏

  • 资源大小:192.90 MB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: 游戏 UnityD

资 源 简 介

Lucas Agudiez - Incinerating Wars About Incinerating Wars is a Unity3d Free Open Source Software (FOSS) 3d videogame released under the MIT license, made by Lucas Agudiez It"s the year 2020, and countries are fighting because of Trash. Incinerating trash is expensive, and because of overpopulation, it"s become the most expensive task. To help your country, you are in charge of throwing all that trash to your neighboring country and try to get it incinerated on his side. Good luck with that! Instructions to Play Move the vehicles by using the two sticks on your game pad. The left stick controls movement, and the right stick controls the spade direction. Your goal is to throw as much trash as you can to the opposite player, and prevent trash from being incinerated at YOUR side. Note: Incinerating trash from the opposite player is like incinera

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IncineratingWars - unity project

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