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  • 资源大小:35.30 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
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三相步进电机的三相六拍工作方式,正转的绕组通电顺序:A、AB、B、BC、C、CA、A,反转的通电顺序:A、AC、C、CB、B、BA、B、A。 由于步进电机转子有一定的惯性以及所带负载的惯性,故步进电机的工作过程中不能及时的启动和停止,在启动时应慢慢的加速到预定速度,在停止前应逐渐减速到停止,否则,将产生失步现象。 步进电机的控制问题可总结为两点: 1、产生工作方式需要的时序脉冲; 2、控制步进电机的速度,使它始终遵循加速、匀速、减速的规律工作。 -Three-phase three-phase stepper motor six shot work, is to order the winding power: A, AB, B, BC, C, CA, A, reverse the order of power: A, AC, C, CB, B, BA, B, A. As the stepper motor rotor has a certain degree of inertia, as well as brought about by the inertia load, the stepper motor during the course of work should not start and stop time, start to be slowly accelerated to a predetermined speed, the stop should be to slow down gradually to the stop, otherwise, will result in out-of-step phenomenon. Stepper motor control problems can be summarized in two points: one, resulting in the need to work the timing pulse 2, control the speed of stepper motor, so that it always followed acceleration, velocity, deceleration of the law of the work.

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