资 源 简 介
tvdb-rename-script is, as the name implies, a script which can be used to rename videos files based on information from theTVdb.com.
To do this is parses the filename for s00e00 or 0x00 to get the season and episode numbers. It first looks for the show name in the filename, if not then it checks the parent folder name (eg Show/anything/s00e00). It uses this information and The TVdb api to get the subtitle and then renames the video according to a template. It can be run on downloaded videos regularly to move them into an ordered collection, or on an existing collection to normalise the filenames.
The script is currently only an early version, so is likely to be quite buggy, but it does work and renames the files correctly.
As it runs is also fills an SqLite database with the same information, hopefully to be available on a webpage at some point in a later version.
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