资 源 简 介
My Score Center is a plug-in for MediaPortal a free open source media center.
It displays sports results from almost any web site.
The principle is very simple: a score is represented by an URL and an XPath expression to find the results in the page (see: XPath Tutorial to learn about XPath).
It works best when the results are displayed in an HTML table, but you can also use it to display other elements such as div, span, h2...
[![](http://scorecenter.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/images/thMain.jpg)](http://code.google.com/p/scorecenter/wiki/Screenshots#MainScreen) [![](http://scorecenter.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/images/thCatFoot.jpg)](http://code.google.com/p/scorecenter/wiki/Screenshots#CategoryScreen) [![](http://scorecenter.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/images/thResFoot.jpg)](http://code.google.com/p/scorecenter/wiki/Screenshots#League