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Plugin for PS3 Media Server to use XBMC

  • 资源大小:151.19 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
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  • 浏览次数:1次
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Thanks for stopping by Please leave comments and suggestions in the wiki/issues/PS3 Media Server Forum # About # XBMC is awesome for playing media, as well as scraping all the nice meta data for it. Now XBMC can act as a UPNP server but it does not show all the meta data on the client. This is where PS3 Media Server comes in. PMS is a DLNA Server. Unfortunately it does not have a nice way of sorting and displaying your data other than the folder structure on the file system. This Plugin is for PS3 Media Server, and it uses the video database created by XBMC and displays it in a much friendlier way on any DLNA client along with all the movie info LATEST RELEASE 2013-05-03 Update: * Added Sets category (thanks Anil) * Added an "All" item to movie titles so all movies can be listed in one go * Compiled against the latest PMS(v1.80) and

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