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scrOBJc is a OBJ-C library for scrobbling

  • 资源大小:117.81 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
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资 源 简 介

scrOBJc scrOBJc is an easy to use library for scrobbling. Currently the scrobbling system of Last.FM and Libre.FM are supported. The idea was to create a cocoa framework with following goals: Easy to use ``//initialize a new trackscrOBJcTrack*` newTrack = [[scrOBJcTrack alloc] init]; /*submit the "now playing" and tell the framework that the track is started to play (will count for us the played time - use pausePlaying if the sound is paused)*/ [[track currentPlaying] startPlaying]; ``` ``` //configure the track with key-value coding [track setValue:@"Band name" forKey:@"artist"]; ... ``` ``` [track submit];//will add the informations to the queue and submit the queue if needed [track release];//delete the track ``` Mu

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