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购买积分 购买会员 激活码充值

您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 简单的工具,可以让您复制的文本文档或网页和栏目化它


资 源 简 介

This tool solves the scenario where you want to rapidly select and copy out repeated and related fields from web pages or other text documents. A concrete example is selecting a product name, price, and URL from a product searching page. The clipboard is automatically transferred to a text area in the tool as you copy. When done you tell the tool how many lines map to columns per row, what column separator to use, and then the CSV is dumped to a new file. Click the file path shown to copy the path to the clipboard. That in turn can be pasted into the "Import File" dialog of Excel.

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