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Asterisk and MySQL Cluster Management Suite
Asterisk and MySQL Cluster Management Suite (AMyCMS) is a set of scripts that will allow an administrator to enter in his/her cluster/distributed topology at a CLI menu interface and have MySQL Cluster and Asterisk integrated and set up automatically across all the nodes. In the future, I hope to add features such as automatic dialplan population and SIP registration configuration with ARA and DUNDi, as well as method for including these scripts into a Debian Lenny ISO in /etc/rc.local so that they are run at the default runlevel on first boot.
Eventually, AMyCMS may be modified to be more generic as far as distro is concerned, as well as let the user select different versions of MySQL Cluster and Asterisk. At this time, AMyCMS only supports MySQL Cluster 5 and Asterisk with Asterisk addons