资 源 简 介
Gets APRS-IS data and sticks it in a datastore. Makes it queryable via a simple web client and JSON.
You need to know a callsign to search for. You can try mine, N1YWB. Searching for mobile stations is more interesting. You can get a list of current mobile stations from: http://aprs.fi/moving/
The Automatic Packet Reporting System was designed to support rapid, reliable exchange of information for local, tactical real-time information, events or nets. It"s an amateur radio and Internet distributed mesh network for the real time dissemination of GIS and other data.
Position reports are sent to the application in chunks via HTTP from a small
daemon running on my workstation at work. GAE doesn"t allow access to
sockets, so this was the only way to feed it a data stream. It"s updated
every few seconds. Right now it"s only receiving the USA stream. Eventually
I would like to feed it the global stream, but Google set some fairly low
resources quotas. When App Engin