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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Matlab > 目标跟踪应用背景下的雷达数据处理,雷达在搜索中的应用…


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目标跟踪问题的应用背景是雷达数据处理,即雷达在搜索到目标并记录目标的位置数据, 对测量到的目标位置数据(称为点迹)进行处理,自动形成航迹,并对目标在下一时刻的位置进行预测。 ben文简要讨论了用Kalman滤波方法对单个目标航迹进行预测,并借助于Matlab仿真工具,对实验的效果进行评估。 trajectory.m产生理论的航迹,并绘出 Kalman_filter.m 利用Kalman滤波算法,对目标的航迹进行估计 filter_result.m kalman滤波估计的结果,以及估计误差的均值和标准差曲线-target tracking application context radar data processing, radar in search of the goals and objectives of the record location data, for the measurement of target location data (known as trace points), automatic track, as well as the next target location for the moment forecast. Ben paper with a brief discussion of Kalman filtering method to a single target track forecast and using Matlab tool for experimental evaluation of effectiveness. Trajectory.m have theoretical track, and draws Kalman_filter.m using Kalman filtering algorithm, the target track estimated filter_result.m Kalman filtering results, and the estimated error of the mean and standard deviation of curve

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