资 源 简 介
Moved to Github : https://github.com/sabujp/nfsSpeedTest
nfsSpeedTest is a wrapper for dd written in Perl. It was created mainly for testing the performance of file systems or network file shares (e.g. NFS), but can be used for generating large files (e.g. swap files) or for testing the network. For the write test, by default, it reads from /dev/zero and outputs to a random file (e.g. nfsSpeedTest-someRandomMD5Hash). For the read test, it can again use dd or Perl"s sysread call. Variable block sizes are supported.
Output when run with no options (help/usage):
Purpose: Writes the file "nfsSpeedTest-randomMD5Hash" to the local directory using dd if=/dev/zero or if=/dev/urandom (optional). For a read test it does dd if=nfsSpeedTest-randomMD5Hash of=/dev/null or uses perl"s sysread call (optional). For a read and write (i.e. copy) test it uses dd if=nfsSpeedTest-randomMD5Hash of=nfsSpeedTest-randomMD5Hash-copy. All tests tell you th