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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > GWT模块和组件的集合。


资 源 简 介

GWT-Stuff is a collection of modules and components for the Google Web Toolkit. June 10, 2007: You need to download the appropiate GWT-Stuff for your version of GWT. The GWT 1.4.10RC indtroduced some changes that necessitated some changes to the internals of the GWT-Stuff widgets. You are encouraged to use the following links to find the appropriate download: * GWT-Stuff for GWT-1.3 * GWT-Stuff for GWT-1.4 March 7, 2007: Significant release: the major highlight is ObjectListTable no longer crashes some versions of IE6. The IE6 workaround necessitated some incompatible API changes. These changes shouldn"t affect many people but hey may require you to refactor the way you do things such as using the AttachRenderer if your table is very dyna

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