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购买积分 购买会员 激活码充值

您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 140个字节的空的32位Windows shellcode显示一个消息框(所有操作系统/ SPS)

140个字节的空的32位Windows shellcode显示一个消息框(所有操作系统/ SPS)

资 源 简 介

Project moved to GitHub This project was [moved to GitHub](https://github.com/SkyLined/w32-msgbox-shellcode/) as [Google code will be shut down](http://google-opensource.blogspot.nl/2015/03/farewell-to-google-code.html). A 140 byte null-free shellcode for 32-bit versions of Windows 5.0-7.0 all service packs that shows a message box saying "Hello world!". Includes optional code that fixes stack alignment (adds 5 bytes) and bypasses EAF (adds 31 bytes). Features: * NULL Free * Windows version and service pack independant. * No assumptions are made about the values of registers. * "/3GB" compatible: pointers are not assume to be smaller than 0x80000000. * DEP/ASLR compatible: data is not executed, code is not modified. * Windows 7 compatible: <

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