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NUnit AddIn for data-driven testing
DataDriven Extension is an NUnit Addin that allows you to create test cases from any data sources (like database or plain text files etc.) and can used for parameterized test.
DataFactoryAttibute (like the FactoryAttribute in NUnit 2.5 alpha 3), indicate class of the test case factory. You can also set some arguments for creating test cases.
Test case factory class must have a defualt constructor and a method with IEnumerable as the return value for create test cases. And this method should be marked by the DataSourceAttribute (like the TestCaseFactory in NUnit 2.5 alpha 3).
TestCaseItem (like the TestCaseData in NUnit 2.5 alpha 3) is a constraint-oriented test case task class. You can set the arguments for parameterized test method or normal test method and set some constraints to check the return value or expected exception throwed by the test