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购买积分 购买会员 激活码充值

您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 用于跟踪利润/损失的一天交易者在全国证券交易所,印度。


资 源 简 介

Stockr - a NSE (India) Stock price tracking extension. With this extension, you can keep track of your share profit/loss without even leaving your current web page, since the latest data is updated in the statusbar. The Stock code is taken from ICICIDirect.com. For example, if you want to track Suzlon Energy"s stock prices, then the code for Suzlon Energy in ICICIDirect is SUZENE. You need to use this code while adding the stock into Stockr. The extension will also ask you about the stock price at which you bought it and the number of stocks. Based on which the profit/loss will be calculated and updated in the statusbar.

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