资 源 简 介
要求为:第一,由DS18B20获得外部温度信息然后通过数码管显示,显示值为三位,两位整数,一位小数。第二,判断温度是否大于 50℃,若温度在50℃以上,显示红色发光二极管发光;若温度在50℃以下,显示绿色发光二极管发光。-DS18B20 temperature sensor based on the design of procedural requirements: first, by DS18B20 access to external temperature information through a digital display, showing a value of 3, two integer, a decimal. Second, to determine whether the temperature is greater than 50 ℃, if the temperature at 50 ℃, which indicates that the red light-emitting light-emitting diodes if the temperature below 50 ℃, showing a green light-emitting diode LED.