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VIKAS – VI llage Komputing Agricultural System

资 源 简 介

VIKAS – VIllage Komputing Agricultural System This project is dedicated to the Farmers of the Developing Countries Like India(Bharat). The primary objective of this project is to create an easy-to-use low cost computing device that can help the Farmers in their daily chores. The Following are the Details of the Features underlying this project: 1. To Provide Simple Calculator like Functions: The Farmers may recognize only numbers and some simple operators such as Additions, subtraction, multiplication & division. This device would look similar to a calculator and hence would be easy for them to operate. 1. Low Battery Power consumption and Hand-held Device: This device would be a AA Rechargeable type battery. The recharging can be done at the Government Terminal when the device is attached for data downloads. 1. Watch like Feature using Real Time Clock : This device would use the low power mode and the timers to give the functionality of a Real time Clock with

文 件 列 表

05_UART1 (Debug).launch
05_UART1 (Release).launch

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