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A open-source MP3 ID3 Tag Encoding Converter and Editor
ID3 tag is a metadata container most often used in conjunction with the MP3 audio file format. It allows information such as the title, artist, album, track number, and other information about the file to be stored in the file itself.
The text can be encoding in various encoding, however, modern MP3 players, such as iTunes and VLC can only read text encoding in UTF-8.
A open-source MP3 ID3 Tag Encoding Converter and Editor is a software that can convert to text encoding to UTF-8.
MP3 ID3 Tag encoding conversion;
GUI interface;
MP3 ID3 Tag editing;
Traditional / Simplified Chinese conversion;
Source MP3 ID3 Tag encoding detection
No Windows API were used and the source codes can be complied by gcc. Linux and Mac OSX binary will be release soon
Focus on user-friendly, multiple files editing,