资 源 简 介
Parse "g.e-hentai.org" image link in batch;
1. perl must have been already installed;
2. It is fast to produce the download links, but:
3. The download links generated should be downloaded quickly becase it would be invaild soon;
perl .pl url endnumber proxy.com 80 >urllist
1. ".pl": this perl file;
2. "url": your start page url, for example: "http://g.e-hentai.org/s/12bec04daa/425209-186";
3. "endnumber": get download links until reaching this endnumber: 187 188..1000 etc;
4. "proxy.com 80" is optional(可选): set the proxy ip if necessary;
5. For example:
perl hentaiurl.pl http://g.e-hentai.org/s/12bec04daa/