资 源 简 介
Current version: 2.2.1
NIST zip, minus binaries and compiler temp files, is in downloads section
SVN version uses CMake, and some files have been moved around. The PDF documentation does not reflect this.
If you have trouble with the version in SVN (using CMake) contact me at mpictor@gmail.com.
A version of Test Suite v2.2.1, using the CMake build system, is in svn.
* Some source code files have slight modifications to allow them to work on both linux/sun and windows. Other source files with hardcoded paths were modified to work with the paths CMake uses.
* This version has been partially tested on 64-bit Debian Linux, and 64-bit Windows 7 with VS2010. "Partial testing" means that it compiles without error and that the test scripts do not fail.
* This version has not been tested at all on other platforms.
You may test it yourself. The directions for doing so reference the old build files (Makefiles, V