资 源 简 介
iPhotoFS is a read-only filesystem for iPhoto collections on the Mac
It"s useful for exploring your iPhoto library on other PCs or consumer electronic devices. It"s also useful for backing up your iPhoto library (even to non-macs while retaining its structure.)
You can easily interfact with your iPhoto collection using the Finder and command line utilities like find and rsync.
Example Usage
# list my flagged photos
$ ls /Volumes/iphotofs/Albums/Flagged/
DSCF0472.JPG IMG0017.JPG IMG2031.JPG MIT Group.JPG P1210042.JPG
Export all of my albums to my PC
$ cp -R /Volumes/iphotofs/Albums /Volumes/MyPC/
Show all photos taken in 2009-01
$ ls /Volumes/iphotofs/Dates/2009-01
You must first install MacFUSE (http://code.google.com/p/macfuse/downloads/list) You also need to be running iPhoto 6 or greater.