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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 一个灵活的、抽象的输入文件语言FORTRAN基于CFD和科学规范


资 源 简 介

Overview The goal of this project is to create an open source input file language for scientific and CFD codes written in Fortran. This project will define the language syntax and standard and provide libraries written in a clean modular fashion (in MODERN Fortran). For the current status of this project please see the StatusPage. Motivation Today numerous state of the art scientific and engineering codes, which are very computationally intensive, still are driven by textual user interfaces (TUIs) rather than graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This is largely because they are designed to execute on large parallel computers, and are maintained by scientists and engineers who wrote and use them. Setting up a large simulation (CFD, magneto-hydrodynamics, etc.) usually involves manipulating some ascii input file where a number of entries must be placed or changed by hand. These input files are more or less notionally equivalent to some GUI menu

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