资 源 简 介
A plasmoid and data engine for the KDE4 Desktop that displays recent real-time water data from the USGS (http://waterservices.usgs.gov/). Water data is available from thousands of stream gauges around the United States.
This plasmoid can be used to display river and creek information as a widget on the desktop that is useful for boating and other activities reliant on streamflow conditions.
To run the QML plasmoid: KDE 4.7+.
To run the data engines: KDE 4.6+.
To compile the data engines: kdelibs5-dev, build-essential, cmake.
A resizable main widget that displays the most recent reading.
A popup dialog that displays site data (name, id, lon, lat, etc), and up to the last four data readings.
A search for sites dialog that locates sites by state, county, agency, and type.
Main Widget