资 源 简 介
A Tclkit is a single-file executable that provides a complete Tcl and Tk runtime and can execute both normal tcl scripts or script archive files known as StarKits. Tclkit is provided pre-built for a number of platforms and is updated to track Tcl releases for the major platforms (Windows, Linux and MacOS X).
For pre-built files see the TclkitDownloads page.
Building from source
See BuildingTclkit
The Tclkit-specific sources are license free, they just have a copyright. Hold the author(s) harmless and any lawful use is permitted.
This does not apply to any of the sources of the other major Open Source Software components used in Tclkit, which each have very liberal BSD/MIT-like licenses:
IncrTcl, Metakit, Tcl/Tk, TclVFS, Zlib
The original release of Tclkit relied