资 源 简 介
A simple daemon checks every 20 seconds if a plink ssh tunnel (with port forwarding) is still alive, if not it is re-established.
Platform: ms-win
This can be useful as a quick solution on ms-win client machines.
The Script relies on plink.exe and pskill.exe, which are not included here. Use the links on the right to get plink.exe and pskill.exe.
Platform: unix and others
plink is also available for unix systems. It should be easy to modify the script.
Client config
There is a config section at the beginning of telnet.py:
TESTPORT = "2121"
PSKILLPATH = "c:Programmepylinkpskill.exe"
You also have to adjust the connect.cmd, insert your ssh username and password and the server:
plink -l root -pw mysecretpass -D -L server.example.com
In this example the -D is a pro