资 源 简 介
这是本人在公司上班时做的一个小软件,后台用的是ORACLE,是在下载到硬盘中的阿里巴巴网页是提取公司资料信息,放至库中.因编制较早,现在可能已不好用了,但稍加改动就行了(因为网站台为了防止别人下数据,经常改版,但方法不离其中),当时下得数据几十万条,编得不好,希望大家不要见笑.-This is when I do go to work in the company of a small software, the background is used in ORACLE, is downloaded to the hard drive in the Alibaba website is information extraction company, released to the library. Due to the preparation of an earlier, and now may have a bad spent, but a little change on the list (because the site in order to prevent people under the Taiwan data, the regular revision, but it always one), when hundreds of thousands of data, the series well, hope that we will not stock.