资 源 简 介
A simple Meizu M8(wince 6.0) socket program:
connect->send->recv using POP3 protocol USER,PASS,STAT,UIDL..,etc.
(support ssl, powered by stunnel);
A demo app for testing M8 SDK development:
(6xxMhz CPU, 1xxM+ free memory for apps, wife/edge, bluetooth, 300w AF, muti-touch 480×720 3.4 screen, and apps run in background freely, OPEN wince6 platform with Meizu M8 SDK, Oyeah@-@)
play sounds(mp3,wma,even ape..) and volume control;
gprs/edge state check and auto dial when needed;
vibration function test;
SQLite3 for M8 demo;
M8 SDK MZFC UI and COM lib demo;
M8 config data in EDB R/W;
OpenSSL,Stunnel and maybe more other unix/linux lib Port to Meizu M8;
1. M8 SDK UI及消息控制,定时器设置;
1. M8 COM接口控制声音视频播放及控制;
1. 振动控制;
1. 网络连接状态检测及自动GPRS/EDGE拨号;
1. SQL