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This is a project to set and read tags from FLAC, AAC,MP3 and soon OGG files.
The main problem with music file tags is that for every different type of file there are different taggers (ie mp3info, metaflac ogginfo etc) all of which only handle one type of file and produce wildly different outputs which can make for a bit of a headache when using a script to set music tags for different file types.
There are some programs that will do this but most are GUI apps, EasyTag is probably the best and helped with the source code for this project as there is not a lot of documentation on how to use the various tagging libraries.
So kute was born ( (K)eiths (U)niversal (T)ag (E)ngine this can auto detect the file type and read/write most common tags and most importantly output the results when reading tags into a standard form regardless of the file type.