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Emacs-Lisp bpath.el
Simple path bookmark tool . This is for emacs.
You can bookmark a buffer path, and can call it with regex match.
You can open file without dired buffer open
I want to open bookmarked path without dired buffer open.
How to install
svn checkout http://bpath-el.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
Add bpath.el to your load path
Add followings in your .emacs
(require "bpath)
(define-key global-map "C-cC-b" "bpath::book)
(define-key global-map "C-cC-z" "bpath::read)
Change key bindings as you want
bpath::book is a function to save current path in bookmark file
bpath::read is a function to call saved path and pipe it to find-file
1.To save current path
C-c C-b