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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 一个网页抓取库Common Lisp。

一个网页抓取库Common Lisp。

资 源 简 介

A (very basic) web crawling library for common lisp. Little attention has been paid to efficiency, but since this is the only web-crawling library I can find for CL, hopefully it will get better. It could be a lot better :) edit -- I"ve been notified that cl-http also includes a web crawler (they use the name "walker"): http://www.cl-http.org:8001/cl-http/ Patches and suggestions welcome! Send to asokoloski (but no spam!) at gmail . com Usage: (web-crawler:start-crawl "http://start/url" (lambda (uri page-text) (do-something-with (or uri page-text))))

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