资 源 简 介
NTSpellCheck highlights misspelled words as you type them.
Instructions when using NetBeans IDE 6.0 or above:
1)Download and save NTSpellCheck.jar from Downloads
2)Right click on the project which will use NTSpellCheck
3)Click on Properties
4)Click on Libraries (located to the left of the dialog)
5)Click on the Compile tab, then click the Add JAR/Folder button
6)Navigate to the location where you saved NTSpellCheck.jar and double-click it
7)In your source file, add the following import:
import NTSpellCheck.NTSpellCheck
8)When you need to spell check a JTextComponent, create an instance of NTSpellCheck with
the following constructor (Note that it throws an IOException):
NTSpellCheck(JTextComponent tc, File dictionaryFile, boolean checkSpelling, boolean man