资 源 简 介
4D for Flex DAO implements a data access object interface for use with 4D for Flex libraries, which provides interaction with a 4D V11 SQL database back end.
For a good definition of the concepts behind Data Access Objects see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dataaccessobject.
Project includes a Flex library and a 4D Pop component to generate VO class declarations.
4D for Flex DAO API documentation is included in the Flex project and can also be found here: http://www.4ctv.com/4DFFDAO/ASDoc/index.html
On the right hand side you can see the Featured downloads which includes the 4D Pop Component, the 4DForFlexDAO.swc library and a couple demo applications. A CRUD Demo AIR application and a simple Baseball Team browser. All the demo application use 4DforFlex_demo database that comes with 4D for Flex. Everything comes with source code.