资 源 简 介
MinCC is a collection of compilers and interpreters for various minimalist languages.
Supported Languages
MinCC will support
* MML and its variants
* BF, and several variants
* Certain versions of TI BASIC
* Other languages, as yet undecided
System Requirements and Build Information
MinCC does not require an exceptional amount of RAM or hard drive space, nor does it require a particularly fast processor.
Supported OSes
MinCC is developed and maintained on Linux, and is only meant to run on unix operating systems. However, there will be periodic releases of Windows-compatible versions of the source code, as well as binary installers for Windows users.
Source/Binary Availability
Binary builds, for Linux, Mac, and Windows, will be made available only very rarely and only at major milestones (for now). In general, if you want your version of MinCC to be up-to-date, you sh