资 源 简 介
KLabeler purpose is help the user to classify, tag and manage documents and resources. It can operate in association with KDE Plasma Desktop activities or as stand alone. The user can take advantage of Nepomuk accessing it through a well known point.
With simple operations the user can associate to a resource (message, file, ...) to one or more tags directly from the desktop during his work. Tagger has options to permit access to tagged resources, examine, add other tags or remove them.
KLabeler automatically saves user actions settings as profiles, to repeat routine tasks without having the user redo same work twice.
Usage and architecture
KLabeler is composed of two modules: a Plasmoid that can be positioned in a panel or in the desktop and a back-end application. The applet communicate with the core through D-Bus, in fact is the core that takes care of all the relevant work. Nepomuk is a requirement and is the collector of tags set and search ope