资 源 简 介
Compiles everything in a LÖVE game folder and creates a .love file, or embeds it directly into application. It uses Lua Compiler to compile code in order to make it more safer and a bit faster.
You can use following options:
* -e, -embed - embeds .love file directly in LÖVE game engine.
* -c, -compile - compiles all .lua files to bytecode using luac compiler.
* -d, -dist - creates a folder and copies all necessary files needed for distribution.
If you already have created a .love file then you can embed it by typing:
lovedist.exe file.love -e
lovedist.exe input_folder output_name [-e][-d][-c]
Extract zipped files in the same folder as LÖVE game engine in order to use it.
Current Version
Version: 1.1.3
This has been moved to github: https://github.com/ArekX/love-dist