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In the field of medicine the creation of custom embedded solution is taking every time a bigger role. Medical devices include a wide range of products varying in complexity and application. Examples include tongue depressors,medical thermometers, blood sugar meters, total artificial hearts, fibrin scaffolds, stents and X-ray machines. We live in an aging society where the life expectancy is every time longer.  The world organization expects the population of Germany to fall by twelve million by 2050, while those who remain will be old – half of them aged over 51. This will mean a explosive growing demand of medical devices. These devices should be able to work in an extremely reliable way, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. In order to assure the security of the patient every medical device must be verified by a certificate of conformity issued by a notified body. This represents an immense challenge for engineers. Engineers should develop medical devices which are certified

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