资 源 简 介
Software and front-end circuitry for the uLCD-32PT 3.2" touchscreen display made by 4D Systems. Implements a hobby-grade 3-lead electrocardiogram. Presented as an example application for the uLCD-32PT LCD display unit. Not intended for diagnosing or treating any medical condition.
WARNING: If you decide to build one of these, you must only operate it on battery power, with the programming cable disconnected, when the leads are attached to your skin. This is to insure you can never be exposed to more than the 6 volt battery supply. Operating it with a power supply connected to 120v or 240v could be very dangerous if the supply does not properly isolate input from the output. The author accepts no liability for any injury or damage resulting from use of this design information. Use it at your own risk.
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