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资 源 简 介

About MTS Multi-protocol test suite specially designed for IP network : IMS architecture (SIP, RTP, RTPFLOW, DIAMETER, HTTP) + EPC/LTE architecture (GTP-C.V2, GTP-C.V1, GTP-U, GTP prime) + application ones (RTSP, H248, MSRP, RADIUS, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SMPP, UCP, RADIUS, SIGTRAN, SNMP, …) + basic transport protocols (TCP, UDP, SCTP, TLS) + ETHERNET capture and sending + Functional, non-regression or protocol tests => Sequential mode Performance endurance stress tests => Load mode Simulates equipments => the client, server or both sides System supervision => Capture mode (like wireshark) Definition of tests case in XML files : test and scenarios input files Graphical (very convivial) or command line (for test automation) user interfaces Report the test running : logging function and rich statistics presentation. Pure software solution (use commercial IP network card) => support o

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