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OpenJAUS Components
This repository contains various Open Source JAUS components. The components utilize [OpenJAUS](http://www.openjaus.com/) to maximize their interoperability. Currently all components are Global Pose sensors of various flavors.
NMEAJGP V1.0 17-October-2010
NMEAJGP V1.0 has been posted. This is a JAUS Global Pose sensor. Location information for the Global Pose sensor is obtained from a NMEA-0183 source. The descriptor for the NMEA-0183 source can be either a file or a network socket. A NMEA-0183 device connected to a serial port can also be used, provided a serial to network proxy exists (Serproxy from http://download.berlios.de/arduino/ for example). $GGA and $RMC NMEA-0183 messages are supported. OpenJAUS is utilized to provide a JAUS 3.3 compliant component.
KMLJGP V1.0 26-September-2010
KMLJGP V1.0 has been posted. This is a JAUS Global Pose sensor. Location information for the Globa