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Guice + Struts Web框架Struts2 + MyBatis /休眠

  • 资源大小:259.40 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: 框架 休眠

资 源 简 介

guice-smh-framework guice-smh-framework is a web framework, it integrate struts、mybatis/hibernate,provide a simple and convenient way to use DI、AOP etc,it"s aim to solve common problems on J2EE development. most popular web framework base on spring, for example SSH(spring + struts + hibernate)、spring + struts + mybatis etc. this project born for two reasons: * spring is too heavyweight, it"s begin more and more bloated although it"s a strong framework for DI 、 AOP and other. google-guice is a lightweight dependency injection framework. * there is so many article and side project on spring best practice, but few on google-guice that tell us the best practice rapid build a web project, let engineer more focus on there business. Features support struts1.x/struts2.x. support mybatis/hibernate. provide common dao service. improve mybatis RowBounds query, use dialect to support many kinds of database(mysql、oracle、HSQL、etc.).

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