资 源 简 介
Generic Reporting Intranet
This software provides a simple web-based interface to provide "portals" to view any number of reports in a secure manner. It is designed to be as light-weight as possible in terms of server load and its simple interface means it works well with most browsers.
Similarly to the front-end, the back-end package (which is run on all servers where reports and generated and need to be displayed) is very simple and easy to install and run on most Linux/UNIX and Windows platforms.
Ease of use - the interface is very simple and requires little effort to learn how to use it.
Simple to install - the required front-end (web server) and back-end (report interrogation) have few dependencies and require little in terms of set-up.
GUI Management - the data made available via the portals can be easily modified via either direct access to configuration files, or via web pag