资 源 简 介
just a game.
To build and deploy an application to a tomcat follow these steps:
1) download project via the svn.
2) edit your maven settings xml
- you must create a server element named "tomcat-standart", or set any other to the pom.xml.
3) edit "src/main/resources/spring/database/jdbc.properties" with and appropriate database parameters
4) one of the following
- create a database in your mysql
- run this sql script "src/main/resources/create.sql" (it will create a database, and countries table, with some sample data)
5) you may also want to change an email. It can be done in "src/main/resources/spring/root-context.xml" file ("mailsender" bean and "templateMessage" bean)
6) run maven with those goals to make an application build, run test and become deployed:
- TOMCAT compile war:exploded tomcat:exploded (it will create a build folder and deploy an application to a tomcat server)
- J